Author Archives: biocon

Fisheries Biology in R courses

Two Fisheries Biology in R courses (introductory and advanced) are offered by to scientists interested in fisheries biology data analysis and stock assessment in data-poor areas. The courses are offered by the Laboratory of Ichthyology, School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Separate registration is required. Both courses are in English. More information in

A new research paper from the IHU MSc in Bioeconomy: Biotechnology and Law team

A new research paper from the IHU MSc in Bioeconomy: Biotechnology and Law team (authored by Soultana Tatsika, Katerina Karamanoli, Hera Karayanni and Savvas Genitsaris). The article is titled “Metagenomic Characterization of Bacterial Communities on Ready-to-Eat Vegetables and Effects of Household Washing on their Diversity and Composition” Read the whole article